Monday, January 5, 2009

David Warlick has a Zen of an idea -- Method vs Approach

  • David Warlick makes an association between Reynolds Presenation Zen Method v's Approach and the way we approach technology professional development

    tags: blog, technology, teaching, David Warlick, literacy, presentation zen

    • how we use technology and how we teach it
      • Warlick has articulated what many have struggled to say for so long. Students are not afraid to approach technology in a more investigative way, unlike those of us from the older generation that want the right way to do things everytime. - post by leekevp
    • You operate these devices natively, by approaching it with a certain frame of mind, not by method.
    • to kids who are at home accessing and interacting with the world from their pockets — there is a disconnect that may well be a big part of why so few of our children are interested in pursuing technology fields
      • Unfortunately many students are not encouraged to take this method of learning into the classroom. We remove the association so that they are acclimatised to learning in a more method way by their secondary education. What are we doing? - post by leekevp
    • as educators, need to began to picture ourselves as master learners, and to project that image of ourselves to the community.  If we become enthusiastic learners, then we are modeling the concept and process of life-long learning.
      • As technology coordinators/integrators this is what we model. How many teachers within our schools also see themselves as fullfiling this role? - post by leekevp

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favourite links are here.