Thursday, February 28, 2008

How Do You Get it?

I'm doing my Masters at the moment and this is giving me much cause to reflect on both my practice and the leadership in my school. The one question that I never seem to be able to answer is "why don't they get it??" - why do seemingly intelligent people, who I know read widely about education and the changes taking place in education - why don't they get what it all means???

They don't get that putting computers in the classroom isn't "Job Done". They can't tick the box. They can't move on. They don't get that having me run 1 workshop on "using the learning platform" won't make people suddenly say "hey I'll use that tomorrow"

They don't get it!!

And I don't get why they don't get it.... it is so bleedingly obvious to me!!

This week we looked at leadership issues and ICT - all of the research that I'm reading points to several key facts:
  1. vision - the leadership team of a school needs to create, articulate and get solid support from staff for a vision for the school
  2. understand the big picture - you don't need to be an expert - but you must understand where you are headed and why you are going there
  3. allow people to take risks - change is risky, change is challenging, allow people to experiment, have the no blame (not no responsibility) zone
  4. collaboration shouldn't be limited to our students - encourage and promote it amongst the staff.
Based on all of this I'm trying to come up with a Professional Development proposal for next year. Something that builds on the experience of my past 6 years here and the research that I'm now doing. I wonder if they'll get that?

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